video installations
video installations
Two-channel, site-specific video installation on existing architecture
City Hall, City Hall Plaza, Boston, MA
Digitally layered 4K video
30 mins, color (no audio)
Rising Tide
Georgie Friedman, Rising Tide, installation view (detail), City Hall, Boston, MA, 2017
On view during HUBweek: Immersion, City Hall Plaza, Boston, MA, Oct 12-15, 2017
VIEW: Rising Tide, video stills
PUBLICATION: Art for Everyone (Art Textbook), 2022, Paperback 384 pgs. (p. 210-211)
click to enlarge:
In Rising Tide, water from the Antarctic Sound digitally rises above Antarctica's icy mountains.
There are three sections, each with a different landscape that has less snowpack then its precedent. In each section, the water slowly rises over the course of ten minutes: turning valleys into bays, mountains into islands, and the Antarctic Sound into open ocean.
By projecting the "rising waters" of Antarctica onto Boston's City Hall, I wanted to link the city's history, present moment, and future, with the global and local issue of costal flooding in relation to sea level rise.
Footage filmed in Antarctica (January 2017).
all images, video and other content © georgie friedman