




Art for Everyone (Art Textbook), Oxford University Press, Chemeketa Art Faculty, 2022 Edition, Paperback 384 pgs.        

    Piece included: Rising Tide (2017), (pgs. 210-211, 210f, 232) | More details


"Georgie Friedman's Snow Studies: Nature as Artist, Light as Medium," exhibition publication, Honor R. Wilkinson,

    Freedman Art Gallery, Albright College, Reading, PA, October, 2021 (4 pages)


Water, Water Everywhere: Paean to a Vanishing Resource (Climate Change Trilogy) (Volume 1), Jennifer Heath (Editor),

    Paperback, 102 pages, Baksun Books, June 2014 (p. 60, 79)

BRINK v1, catalogue, Lexi Lee Sullivan, Mills Gallery, Boston Center for the Arts, April 2014 (p.4, 6, 12-13, back cover)


"Georgie Friedman, Photographs: Flight Series," Introduction by Joshi Radin, PDR Journal, Vol. 2, No.1, SPRING 2012


Who's Afraid of New Media? symposium catalog, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Feb 21, 2010 (cover, p. 4)

The Guide to the 2010 DeCordova Biennial, Catalog, texts by Julie Barry, Nina Bozinik, Dina Deitsch, and Emily Isenberg.

            Forward by DeCordova Director, Dennis Kois; 90 Pages, Jan 2010 (p. 20-21, 39-40)


NPR, "An Art Installation Confronts Us With A Hurricane, And Our Role In Climate Change," Amelia Mason, WBUR 90.9 FM, Morning Edition, Feb 18, 2021 | 3:39 min Radio Segment & Article


Environmental Studies Program & Science Diplomacy Center, Tufts University, live web broadcast: Georgie Friedman, Artist Talk - Metaphor, Meaning, Antarctica, and the Anthropocene (Oh my)! 54 mins, Nov. 21, 2019

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston - Facebook LIVE: "Georgie Friedman, Live Exhibit Talk," Sept. 9, 2019


Boston Arts Commission YouTube page, "OpenAIR |Traces of Wind and Water | Georgie Friedman," Oct 5, 2017


NPR, Boston's New Artist-in-Residence Program, Georgie Friedman quoted, WBUR 90.9 FM, Morning Edition, Feb 26, 2016

Boston Arts Commission YouTube page, Georgie Friedman's Boston AIR Presentation, Boston Arts Commission, Feb 9, 2016


CBS News, "Eye Of The Storm Exhibit Brings You Into Eye Of A Hurricane," Pamela Gardner, WBZ Boston, Oct 2, 2015. Article | Video

"Look What Happens When A Video Artist's Virtual Snow Meets Our Winter Of 2015," Greg Cook, The ARTery, WBUR 90.9, Feb 24, 2015


Noble and Greenough School YouTube channel: "Into the Wind - Georgie Friedman," Foster Gallery, Sept. 17, 2014


NPR, "Videos Recreate Water's Flow At Lexington Gallery," Charles Compton, WEKU 88.9 FM, Lexington, KY

Transylvania University YouTube channel, Waves & Currents: Interview with Georgie Friedman and Lenka Novakova, Morlan Gallery, Sept. 6, 2013


PBS, "Public Display of Reflection," Jared Bowen, Greater Boston, WGBH, Aug 1 2012 | video


NPR, "Inquiry: 2010 DeCordova Biennial special," Interview with host Mark Lynch, WICN 90.5 FM, 46 min, Feb 17, 2010



"Soak up the sun: Georgie Friedman," Hannah Krafcik, Oregon ArtsWatch, Feb 6, 2024

"Everything is illuminated," Laura Hagar Rush, Sebastopol Times, Jan 4, 2024

"Kendricken Memorial Lecture: Georgie Friedman - Light, Video, and Experiential Art," Andy Cunningham,, Nov 21, 2024


"'Clouds,' ovvero le nuvole non sono più le stesse" ["Clouds" - the clouds are no longer the same], Antonella Marino,

    La Repubblica di Bari, Italy, March 14, 2023

"Ripple Effects: Diving into “Waterlines” at the Somerville Museum," Jacqueline Houton, Boston Art Review, March 13, 2023

"Se l'arte interroga le nuvole per combattere l'inquinamento" [Art interrogates the clouds to fight pollution], Pietro Marino,

    Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno,  Bari, Italy, March 2, 2023

"'Waterlines' At Somerville Museum Mulls Our Relationship With Water," Greg Cook, Wonderland, Jan 24, 2023

"Waterlines: Stories of Ebb and Flow," Cate McQuaid, Arts, The Ticket, Boston Globe, Jan 19, 2023


"Gathering strength with Georgie Friedman’s ‘Hurricane Lost,'" Cate McQuaid, The Boston Globe, Arts, Feb 3, 2021  web | pdf

"Climate change artist: Georgie Friedman," Ecotures, Feb 26, 2021

"Georgie Friedman: The Journey Up To 'Hurricane Lost,'" An edited transcription of Georgie Friedman's Feb 10, 2021 Zoom Artist Talk,

    Emerson Contemporary Blog, March 12, 2021

"Emerson Contemporary introduces spring Media Arts exhibition 'Hurricane Lost',” Lucia Thorne, The Berkeley Beacon, Jan 27, 2021

"'Blindness,' l'arte indaga l'indifferenza del presente," [Blindness, 'art investigates the indifference of the present], Antonella Marino,

    La Repubblica, Italy, Jan 23, 2021


"Quattro artiste in allarme Cecità, male del tempo," [Four artists in Blindness alarm, evil of the time], Pietro Marino, La Gazzetta del

       Mezzogiorno, Bari, Italy, Oct 30, 2020

"'Blindness,' ciechi davanti all'agonia del pianeta,"['Blindness,' blind to the agony of the planet] Marilena di Tursi, Corriere del Mezzogiorno,

     Bari, Italy, Oct 23, 2020


"In the galleries: Glenn Ligon exhibition draws on Baldwin, Stein and Warhol" (Vortex exhibit reviewed), Mark Jenkins, Washington Post,

    March 29, 2019. Web version PDF | hardcopy version PDF

"Fragments of Antarctica: In Conversation with Georgie Friedman," interview by Gina Linder, Boston Art Review, Sept 3, 2019

"Φθίνουσα ομορφιά, αβέβαιο μέλλον [Declining Beauty, Uncertain Future]," Agni Katsioula, Η Εφημερίδα των Συντακτών

    [The Journal of Editors], Greece, Aug. 25, 2019

"Documentando La Antártida. Georgie Friedman [Documenting the Antarctic. Georgie Friedman]," Eduardo Álvarez, 

        Madrid Art Process, June 6, 2019

"Le terre polari dell'arte se si perde la bussola" [The polar lands of art if you lose your compass], Pietro Marino, Colpo D'Occhio,

        Italy, June 2019

"Bellezza glaciale e ambientalismo la videoarte arriva dal Nord" [Glacial beauty and environmentalism video art comes from the North],

        Antonella Marino Montagne, la Repubblica, Italy, June 6, 2019. Hardcopy PDF.

"Announcing Awards in Film & Video, Music Composition, and Photography," Mass Cultural Council, May 23, 2019

"Everything To See This Spring: Toulouse-Lautrec, Edward Gorey, Antarctica," Greg Cook, Wonderland Blog, April 11, 2019

"Transformative Walls V," CODAmagazine, March 21, 2019

"'Georgie Friedman: Fragments of Antarctica' offers passport to imperiled Antarctic," TuftsNow, March 12, 2019


"Looking out Looking In Review," Marilena Di Tursi, Corriere Del Mezzogiorno, Bari, Italy, May 6, 2018

"Notable Alumni," School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts University Viewbook, Aug 27, 2018 (p. 93)

"Announcing 2019 SMFA at Tufts Traveling Fellowship recipients," TuftsNow, Oct. 30, 2018

"Maia Lynch: In Between," (Traveling Fellowship exhibit announcements: Lynch 2018 & Friedman 2019), TuftsNow, March 26, 2018


"Holding Water | Art Review: 'Of Land and Local,' BCA Center," Rachel Elizabeth Jones, Seven Days, VT, Oct 25, 2017

"BCA hosts annual show," Addie Beach, The Vermont Cynic, University of Vermont, Oct 12, 2017

"HUBweek A Festival for the Future: Inspired Projections," The Boston Globe, Supplement, Oct 10, 2017

    (p. 32 hardcopy, p. 38 online version)

"21 intriguing new ideas and trailblazing people," Best of the New 2016, The Boston Globe Magazine, Jan 5, 2017


"Constructed Video," Cate McQuaid, The Ticket: Galleries, The Boston Globe, Nov 23, 2016

"Here’s the story behind the new nature-inspired installation in Upham’s Corner," Meagan McGinnes,, Oct 13, 2016

"What's the Big Idea? Artists and City Governments Improve Communities," Arts Link, Americans for the Arts, Washington, DC,

    Spring 2016 (pg. 1, 8)

"Boston Builds an Artist-in-Residence Program, Bringing Creativity to City Hall," Heather Kapplow, HYPERALLERGIC, Feb  23, 2016

"Boston names three women as first artists in residence," Beth Treffeisn, New Boston Post, Feb 23, 2016

"City Government the Latest to Embrace Artists-in-Residence," Eileen Cunniffe, Nonprofit Quarterly, Feb 22, 2016

"Three Boston AIR Artists Announced," Boston Art Commission,, Feb 22, 2016

"Artists and the city of Boston team up," Malcolm Gay, The Boston Globe, Arts, Feb 19, 2016

"An Artful Take on Winter at Shelburne Museum," Rachel Elizabeth Jones, Seven Days, Arts + Life, VT, Feb 17, 2016

"Friedman brings ‘Slippery Slope’ to Wold Center," Jenna Salisbury, Art, Concordiensis, Schenectady, NY, Jan 14, 2016


"Weather, worship, and whimsy," Cate McQuaid, Galleries, The Boston Globe, Oct 13, 2015

"City names candidates for artist-in-residence program," Malcolm Gay, The Boston Globe, October 23, 2015

"City of Boston Selects 11 Locals for New Artist-in-Residence Program," Olga Khvan, Boston Magazine, October 23, 2015

"Mayor Walsh Announces Selection of 11 Artists for Boston's Artist-In-Residence Program,", Oct 23, 2015

"Who should make short list to run Convention Center Authority?" Shirley Leung, The Boston Globe, Nov 6, 2015 (image)

"Video installation part of Arts Transcending Borders at Holy Cross," Richard Duckett, Worcester Telegram, Feb 12, 2015


"Friedman mesmerizes at Foster," Cate McQuaid, The Boston Globe, Sept 9, 2014

"Screen scene: ART ON THE MARQUEE," Week ahead: Theater, Arts, The Boston Globe, Dec 24, 2014

"Disappearing act," Cate McQuaid,, March 24, 2014

"Fading images leave lasting impressions," Cate McQuaid, The Boston Globe, March 18, 2014

"Brink v1 @ Mills Gallery," Mallory Craig, Boston Art Underground, April 12, 2014

"All under one roof," Cate McQuaid, The Boston Globe, Feb 4, 2014

"Boston Does Boston," Editors Pick, Galleries, Theater & Art, The Boston Globe, Jan 29, 2014


"Interview: Georgie Friedman," Andrea Sherrill Evans, Temporary Land Bridge, Oct 8, 2013

"Artist to artist interviews: Work You’ve Set Aside part 1," Dan Blask, Mass Cultural Council Artsake blog, Oct 1, 2013

"Morlan Gallery exhibit 'Waves and Currents' upends a familiar medium," Rich Copley, Lexington Herald-Leader, KY, Sept 5, 2013

"State Arts Grants Winners Announced," National Public Radio: 90.9 FM WBUR Boston, MA Feb 14, 2013

"The Boston Ferry Pavilion's Latest Electrifying Makeover," John Metcalfe, The Atlantic, Cities: Arts & Lifestyle, Feb 1, 2013

"MCC Announces 31 Awards in Crafts, Dramatic Writing, and Sculpture/Installation,” Mass Cultural Council Artsake Blog, Jan 30, 2013


"Guerrilla Girls launch art protest targeting MFA," Geoff Edgers, The Boston Globe, Sept 22, 2012 (Interviewed)

"Electric success," Geoff Edgers, The Boston Globe, July 1, 2012

"2011 New England Art Awards Nominees," The New England Journal of Aesthetic Research, Feb 15, 2012


"Boston Cyberarts at Atlantic Wharf presents Vast Vistas: Landscape in New Media,”, Dec 15, 2011

"Pixilerations, Balancing act: tech and art," Greg Cook, The Providence Phoenix, Sept 27, 2011

"Ripple Effect," Deborah Barlow, Slow Muse, August 21, 2011

"The Art of Interaction," New Britain Museum of American Art, August 19, 2011

"Flash Forward Day One," Stella Kramer, StellaZine, June 2, 2011

"Artists probe atrocities, the atmosphere, and yarn," Greg Cook, The Boston Phoenix, January 11, 2011


"Science, art share aerial imagery’s goals," Sebastian Smee, The Boston Globe, October, 13, 2010

"Adrift on a sea of our own making," Cate McQuaid, The Boston Globe, June 9, 2010

"The Neverennial:"Artists named by critics, who are not but should be included in the 2010 Whitney Biennial, March 9, 2010

"The Tip of the Iceberg," Evan J. Garza, Flash Art, Feb 19, 2010

"The 2010 DeCordova Biennial," David Tames, Kino-Eye, Feb 15, 2010

"On Dark Swells and Geysers: A Conversation with Georgie Friedman," Matthew Nash, Big Red & Shiny, Issue #125, Feb 14, 2010

"Big Red on-the town: Photos from the DeCodova Biennial Opening," Big Red & Shiny, Issue #125, Feb 14, 2010

"New England Art Awards Winners," The New England Journal of Aesthetic Research, Feb 8

"All over the Map," Sebastian Smee, The Boston Globe, January 29, 2010

"Reboot, The New DeCordova ‘Annual,’" Greg Cook, The Boston Phoenix, January 26, 2010

"Twenty Top Shows," Artnet, January 5, 2010

"Fresh fruit and vegetables A winter crop of art," Greg Cook, The Boston Phoenix, January 4, 2010


"Now Showing | H2O Film on Water," Maura Egan, T Magazine, The Moment blog, New York Times, August 7, 2009

"H2O: Film on Water,” Chip Blake, Orion Magazine, October 19, 2009

"Out of This World The 2010 DeCordova Biennial," Edgar Allen Beem, Yankee Magazine, December 30, 2009

"The New Landscape at Canal View in SoHo,” Yelena Kalinsky, The Huffington Post, December 17, 2009

"The New Landscape Opening,”, Dec 30

"Shimmering downriver," Cate McQuaid, The Boston Globe, September 11, 2009

"The Power of Water, Evocative Works Grace the Old Mill in Newport," Alex Hanson, Valley News, September 10, 2009

"Q&A with publisher Matt Nash," Emerson College Survive and Thrive blog, May, 2009

"Our digital landscape: The 2009 Boston Cyberarts Fest," Greg Cook, Museum and Gallery Reviews, The Boston Phoenix, April 28, 2009

"Georgie Friedman @ Boston College," Matthew Nash, Big Red & Shiny, Issue #105, April 27, 2009

"Observations on a day at the Cyberarts Festival," James A. Nadeau, Big Red & Shiny, Issue #105, April 27, 2009

"Big Red on-the-town: Boston College & Howard Yezerski Gallery," images by James Manning, Big Red & Shiny, Issue #105, April 27, 2009

"What to see at 2009 Cyberarts Fest," Greg Cook, The New England Journal of Aesthetic Research, April 24, 2009

"Nominations for the 2008 Boston Art Awards," The New England Journal of Aesthetic Research, Jan 16, 2009


"Two new takes on packaging are in the bag: Small space, big potential," Cate McQuaid, The Boston Globe, July 30, 2008

"Big Red on-the-town: Nascent @ New England School of Art and Design at Suffolk University," Big Red & Shiny, July 2008

"Flora, fauna, and the female figure... and ‘Nascent’ at NESAD" Randi Hopkins, The Phoenix, July 15, 2008

"Rising stars in visual arts: The graduates," Cate McQuaid, The Boston Globe, April 18, 2008    Read | Boston Globe image gallery

"SMFA Graduate Thesis Exhibition @ Tufts University," Ben Sloat, Big RED & Shiny, issue #81, April 27, 2008

"Seven SMFA graduate students present their best pieces...," Kyle Chayka, The Tufts Daily, April 15, 2008

"Out And About at MassArt & SMFA," Big Red & Shiny, March, 2008

"Gallery Review | Boston MFA's 'Islands of Isolation' exhibit...," Kyle Chayka, The Tufts Daily, March 25, 2008

"Skin Deep," by Randi Hopkins, The Phoenix, Boston, MA, Feb. 12, 2008

"More on cold and the road," Ben Huff,, Fairbanks, Alaska, Feb 7, 2008

"Think Globally Make Art Locally," ArtMatters, p.5-7, Boston, MA, Spring, 2008


"Les aurores sous l'emprise de boucles magnétiques," Bouillon de Cultures, 12 Décembre 2007

"Making Room for Clouds," The Cloud Appreciation Society, London, UK, Oct. 28, 2007

"Wanderlust," ArtMatters, Boston, MA, March 2007

"Back to the Future," The Boston Globe, Sidekick, Boston, MA, Feb. 22, 2007

"Artjacked," Bay Windows, Vol. 25, No. 11, Boston, MA, March 1, 2007

"Show me yours, I'll show you mine!" In Newsweekly, Boston, MA, March 21, 2007

"Spring 2007 Graduate Student Research Award Winners," Tufts University, Office of Graduate Studies

2006 - 2000

"QueerID Conference; Queer as Film," Boise Weekly, Boise, ID, October 18, 2006

"40 Under 40," Gambit Weekly, New Orleans, LA, Nov. 16, 2004

"Christie's Special Exhibition," The New York Times, Fine Arts/Leisure, New York, NY, August 6, 2004

"Georgie Grrl," Best of New Orleans, Gambit Weekly, New Orleans, LA, January 1, 2002

"Girls Rock Dixie," Girlfriends Magazine, national, November, 2001

"A Passion for Pictures," Southern Voice, New Orleans, LA, Sept. 6, 2001

"Girls Just Want To Have Fun," Southern Voice, South East Region, August 24, 2000

"Say Sexton; Inaugural opening for Annex for the Arts," The Times-Picayune, New Orleans, LA, March 5, 2000

Last updated: Feb 2024